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Landing Page Editor

Website design that works! We will help your business to close the gap between the idea of being online and being online.

Every website default landing page or in more familiar terms — the home page must be unique. It's a fundamental requirement since every business is unique one way or another. That is why managing a landing page sometimes can be a challenge for a website owner. The landing page editor intentionally built to ease this procedure.

We split the landing page into virtual blocks during the installation and migrate all the data to a database. The same applies to a media used on the lander. After approval procedure and testing, the website administrator can change the information in any of the blocks on the landing page.

Blocks contain different data. It could be media content, such as videos or photos, small text blocks, rotation images, you name it! The editor protects administrators from breaking the website layout. It allows them to change only precise data types and elements, keeping the overall website view and feel intact.

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Before we start working together, we need to talk a bit. Tell us about your project, provide contact information, and we will contact you shortly to discuss everything. In addition to the website design, we do mobile apps, brand identity, advertising campaigns, logotypes, graphic and industrial design and many more.

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