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Website Design

We'll help your business establish a robust online identity.

Development of an effective website it's not just only the creation of graphic design and layout. It's a complex set of procedures and techniques forced to provide a positive user experience. Website is the face of your business online, the first thing that users are seeing after using a search, clicking on an advertising banner or a link in social media.

As your representative online, the website has to have a modern, responsive design, corporate style, a convenient structure, high-quality content, and so on. Lack of any of the above will hardly make your potential client become an active one. Building trust is the key here! No matter what services you are offering or what products you are selling, people can form one and only opinion. This opinion will be based on how you present your business to them — in other words, how good your website will be?

Digital Cucumber is pleased to offer you a complete marketing solution for your website, which includes but not limited to below.

A full immersion into the client's business

We aren't here to create beautiful and useless websites. We are interested only in the results — sales and advances you are receiving at the end of the day. That is why we learn a lot about your business and people interested in it.

Thorough competitor's analysis

We'll never make something that your competitor already has. We'll make it better. We explore, we study advantages, disadvantages and features and then come up with the best solution.

Unique design

We develop a modern, responsive website design for all known environments and devices, with optimized code suitable for SEO promotion.

Search engine optimization

We are doing everything to make sure that everyone will love your future website and especially Google. The result is achieved by the correct selection of semantics, accurate layout and high-quality texts.

Order a service

Before we start working together, we need to talk a bit. Tell us about your project, provide contact information, and we will contact you shortly to discuss everything. In addition to the website design, we do mobile apps, brand identity, advertising campaigns, logotypes, graphic and industrial design and many more.

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